Una vita in Africa – A life in Africa Rotating Header Image

Miracolo a Natale – Christmas Miracle

G ***** is one of the boys who in June of last year accused me of abuses. In live TV, a skit organized by those who had accused me earlier, the KTN television station and his mother. Yes, his mother, blinded by promises of wealth, perhaps hoping to be able to escape from a dreary life. G***** had failed to resist her psychological pressure. He had always loved her despite knowing the kind of life she lived. After all, she had given him birth and brought him up. And the father is unknown to him.

A week later, gripped by remorse, G***** went to tell the police everything, how he was pressurized and how he had been instructed in the finest details on what to say. After about six months he found the courage to seek me out and apologize. But he did not had the courage to go back to visit Kivuli. He feared that his friends of long ago would have insulted him and kicked him out. The mother had moved, and he had changed schools, going to a boarding school fifty kilometers from Nairobi. During the holidays he was coming to visit me, always speaking of his desire to come to make peace with his old friends in Kivuli, but then never found the courage to do it.

Last July G ***** turned 18. Late last night, just minutes before we started celebration of the Nativity Mass, he arrived by surprise at the gate of Kivuli. In the beginning he was a little afraid, then he only found friendly and smiling faces, and in no time took his place among the others. All were kind and simple with him, as if they had seen him the day before. He sat down for Christmas dinner – rice and boiled potatoes, beef stew, ending with the cheapest supermarket cakes cut in half and filled with jam – and then went to sleep in his old dorm.
This morning, when I got into early action to go to celebrate Mass with the children in Kibera, G***** was alone, sitting on a concrete bench just outside the door of the dispensary. He looked serious and thoughtful, and without emphasis, with simplicity, he said “Kivuli is the most beautiful place I have ever known”


  1. laura valsecchi says:

    Caro Padre Kizito…. ho cercato tante volte di contattarti, via mail, ma sempre senza successo. Spero che ora la comunicazione sia più semplice: roberto ed io ti abbiamo pensato tanto, e abbiamo pregato tanto perchè alla fine cessasse questo scempio. La giustizia ha trionfato, anche se siamo perfettamente consapevoli di quanto sia stato tutto difficile.
    Ti abbracciamo forte forte, e contiamo di incontrarti nel prossimo viaggio in Italia.
    Con tanto tanto affetto
    laura e roberto

  2. Caro Padre Kizito,
    siamo felici di questa bella notizia e speriamo di poter incontrarci nel nostro prossimo viaggio in Kenya.
    Un carissimo abbraccio.
    Gabriella e Ennio Manfredini

  3. Teresa says:

    Quale dono più bello per questo NAtale??
    prima la dichiarazione ufficile della tua innocenza, e ora questo ritorno a casa avvenuto con tanta naturalezza!
    un chiaro segno di perseverare sempre nella speranza che le cose vadano per il meglio!
    un abbraccio a te e a tutti i bambini di kivuli, e uno speciale a colui che ha trovato la forza di tornare a casa.

  4. David Matara says:

    Fr. Kizito,
    I am happy to read your blog and the powerful story of forgiveness and kindeness you have shared. I have only recently read about the accusations and media torment that you had to go through and the hand of God has sustained you. May you be blessed for all the work you are doing to improve the lives of people in Kenya and Africa.
    With every good wish,
    David Matara formerly of Mji Wa Furaha
    New Jersey, USA

  5. don Tommaso says:

    Caro Kizito anch’io sono felice per la buona notizia e ti abbraccio forte forte con tanta nostalgia per Kivuli, Anita e tutti voi.
    Io non mi rassegno a non mettere più piede da voi, anche se ci sono un po’ di difficoltà. Se mi sentirò sicuro di star così bene da non crearvi problemi mi organizzerò. Comunque quello che Dio vuole.
    Un grande abbraccio a tutti
    don Tommaso

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