KENYA: Christian Leaders Statement on the Proposed Constitution
NAIROBI, July 30, 2010
Here is a joint statement by the Christian leaders in Kenya released today Friday July 30, 2010 on the proposed constitution of Kenya.
We greet you in the name of the Risen Lord.
We, as shepherds of the flock entrusted to us by Christ to guide the destiny of Our Nation, are gathered here today as Bishops, Pastors, Priests, Reverends in solidarity to pray for our country, to pray for our people and to pray for the future of the nation.
We are here to give our spiritual guidance on this historic referendum. We have always been supportive of a new Constitutional order for our country and have worked along and hard to midwife our country through a new constitutional dispensation, right from the start, through to the Ufungamano talks until today.
Today, our country is at cross roads. The political leadership seems to be insensitive to the plight and to the needs of its citizens. Blind to the cry of the people to a just, fair and representative constitution that accommodates our diverse cultures and religions. We seem to have sidelined the God’s commandments and His will.
We the Christian shepherds in Kenya reiterate our advice to all Kenyans to reject this proposed constitution in its entirety. It s true that there are many positive improvements in the proposed draft, but the good has been mixed with evil sections that affect the moral life and rights of this country in irreversible and fundamental ways. The proposed constitution does not safeguard the sacredness of human life, the sound and moral education of our children and religious equality.
We must all ask ourselves; if this document is really as good as its proponents say it is, then why is so much money being spent to popularize it in the name of civic education? If this document is really as good as we are made to believe, why are foreigners pressurizing the country to adopt it? If this document is really that good, hwy has it divided the country down the middle? If this document is really that good, why have innocent Kenyans lost their lives through acts of terrorism and violence in its name?
Dear people, you have all witnessed our attempts at reconciliation with the government, our attempts to sit and reason together; to reach a consensus that is acceptable by all, but unfortunately will these efforts have borne no fruit.
To the people who are voting NO against the proposed constitution, we pray for you to keep your faith and not to be swayed by money or the extravagant show of might that is currently being displayed by the supporters of the draft. We ask that you pay no attention to opinion poll figures but have faith and believe that we shall prevail with the power of Prayer through Jesus Christ and our conscientious vote.
To those that are voting YES, we pray for you that you may see the light, and like the proverbial prodigal son, come back home, where we shall embrace you and celebrate you.
To those that are undecided and have been called the ‘watermelons,’ we pray that you may reflect on where Kenya has come from, where Kenya is and where Kenya id going, and search inside your souls that you may find Divine wisdom and reject the proposed constitution.
To our Muslim brothers and sisters, let us remember that nothing has ever come in between us before this proposed draft. We yearn for fairness, for equality and for harmony, that we may live together as we always have. We share the same problems, the same dreams and the same aspirations. Inequality to one person is inequality to all people. We pray that you too may join us in rejecting the proposed constitution.
To our brothers and sisters across the world, we appreciate your support and your concern for our country. However, we seek from you peace and non-interference in this important event that requires the deep reflection of Kenyans.
To the government of Kenya, we pray that you may shoulder the responsibility of leadership through Divine guidance. Keep this country together and united, be a voice of reason and above all, protect the citizens.
We the Christian leaders are steadfast in our beliefs. We are neither guided by political gains nor the succession politics of 2012. Political leaders last only for as long as they have been elected while ours is a divine lifetime calling. We shall have to be the ones to shepherd the flock through any turmoil that the current or proposed constitution or negative politics may bring. You have trusted us before, and we call upon you to continue trusting us now as your religious and moral stewards.
The proposed constitution in its current form is not good for the country.
There will be no cause to celebrate, regardless of whether the proposed draft is accepted or rejected. We shall be left a country divided and shall have to begin- yet gain- the process of healing and reconciliation.
We stand together to pray for the country, to be united and to have peace after the referendum. We appeal to all Kenyans, to exercise restraint, love and understanding for one another. Kenyans should not become divided because of the proposed constitution.
The 4th of August 2010 will be a day that will be a hallmark in the history of the Republic of Kenya. We call upon each and every Kenyan to turn up in large numbers, to exercise their democratic right to vote, and to display their patriotism for our country and convincingly vote No to this flawed proposed constitution that takes away your sovereignty now and forever, through subjection of International Law. We are all aware that this project begun as a beautiful dream for the whole country, a dream to make this nation a great nation in the eyes of God and of men. We can still realize that dream and should not give up or choose to accept a clearly flawed document with the excuse of fatigue or fear.
Signed on July 30, 2010, at the Holy Family Minor Basilica, Nairobi.
Kenya Episcopal Conference
National Council of Churches of Kenya
Anglican Church of Kenya
Presbyterian Church of East Africa
Methodist Church in Kenya
Reformed Church of East Africa
Deliverance Church
Redeemed Gospel Church Kenya
Gospel Assemblies of Kenya
Pentecostal African Gospel Church
African Inland Church
Commonwealth Jubilee Church
Christ is the Answer Ministries
Neno Evangelism Centre
Maximum Miracle Centre
Jesus is Alive Ministries
Christian Foundation Fellowship
Lutheran Church
Jubilee Christian Church
AIPCA Church
Full Gospel Church
International Christian Church
African Independent Pentecostal Church of Kenya
Kenya Assemblies of God
Foursquare Gospel Church
Federation of Evangelical and Indigenous Christian Churches of Kenya
Evangelical Alliance of Kenya